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contact arrowContact Information

Oak Grove Baptist Church
3801 Beulah Road
Richmond, VA 23237

Phone: 804-275-7807
Fax: 804-271-4228
Email: becky@oakgrovebc.net


Minnows Summer is now finished.  Thanks!

About Minnows 

Minnows is a one day a week children’s program for preschool children ages 4  by June 1, 2009  thru K. We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00—12:00 PM.  For more information about this exciting program call the church  office at 275-7807 to  get details. 


Typical Summer Schedule

· Movie Day

· Water Day

· Cookie Day

· Field Trip  ($3 Fee)

 Minnows is a tiny little division of Fishook.