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contact arrowContact Information

Oak Grove Baptist Church
3801 Beulah Road
Richmond, VA 23237

Phone: 804-275-7807
Fax: 804-271-4228
Email: becky@oakgrovebc.net




WHERE: Long Island, Bahamas


WHEN: November 6 through 15, 2009


WITH: Palestine Baptist Church & Maritime Ministries


WHAT: Window replacement and painting in Palestine Baptist Church.  Evangelism with Maritime Ministries


CONTACT:  Rusty Wheeler or Charles Riddick


TIME:  “IMMEDIATELY” –  We need to take advantage of airline schedules and get the best rates.





WHEN: Oct. 29 — Nov. 6


WHERE: Russia


WITH: Rick Gage Ministry


WHAT: Evangelism


CONTACT: Ron Jessup,  Rebecca Dempsey or Ted Sauls