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contact arrowContact Information

Oak Grove Baptist Church
3801 Beulah Road
Richmond, VA 23237

Phone: 804-275-7807
Fax: 804-271-4228
Email: becky@oakgrovebc.net


You will find Oak Grove Baptist Church to be a church willing to minister to the whole family. In addition to our outstanding Bible studies, our music ministry includes choirs for adults, youth, and a children's choir. We are looking to develop an instrumental group, do you have a talent in this area? We offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship, so come join us this week!

Pastor Andy Rist


Get Directions
Oak Grove Baptist Church is located 1/2 mile east of Hopkins Road.

Click for map.

Pick a service


    • 9:15 AM - Bible Study
    • 10:30 AM - Worship Service
    • 5:00 - 7:15 PM - AWANA
    • 6:00 PM - Worship Service

Where do I go?

Go to the Center Doors in the main hallway, some one will gladly direct you to the class you desire.

Click here to see facility map.

What do I do with my children?

There are age graded classes for children. Children, birth through age three remain in their class room while parents attend the worship service and Bible study. Children age four through second grade can attend Children's Church. Children desiring to attend Children's Church go into the worship service with their parents and following the Children's Story they are led out of the worship center to Children's Church by the workers. 

Click here to see children's page.