ing Events:


June 7, Graduate Sunday, 10:30 a.m.

14, Youth/Parent Camp Meeting after a.m. worship

14 - 18 D - week, 6 - 9 p.m.

16 - Pool Party, Noon

28 - July 3 YOUTH CAMP

The Master's Inn

Deadline to sign up is June 7 ( If space is available)

Cost $ 260


3, Return home from Camp.

8, Lunch and a Mission Moment

Cost $5, 11:00 a.m.

19, Youth Sunday


6 - 7, YEC Weekend

Youth Evangelism Conference along with a day

at King's Dominion.

Cost $30 due July 22.

24, Day at Virginia Beach,

Cost $ 15


18 - 19, D-Now Weekend

23, See You at the Pole

(Meets beore school at the Flagpole)

September 27 - October 25

Virginia Diner Fundraiser